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Song notation G/D on sheet music

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2019 11:50 am
by cmacbroom
Found the above notation under bass clef G chord in intermediate version of Sweet Home Alabama. I am new to playground but could not figure out where to try and reference this in the course work. Could someone tell me what I should be playing and also if there is a way to research something like this within the program. I have seen this before but it had referred to playing the chord with one hand and the note with the other. In this case, my right hand is busy so not sure what to do?

Re: Song notation G/D on sheet music

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2019 2:38 pm
by sw1tch73ch
I believe it would be an inversion of the G chord so that the D is the low note. G being G B D, so the notation was probably D G B, going bottom to top. This would be the 2nd Inversion. One way to say the symbol "G/D" is "G over D"

Re: Song notation G/D on sheet music

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 9:07 am
by MarcVanMeer
That’s exactly it. By the way, inversions are explained (and practiced extensively) in the course “Chords Practice - Triads (Intermediate)”.
