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Re: New to piano playing - need an advice for 2 handed playing practise

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 11:58 pm
by Don38
Hi Westman,
Just about everyone has this problem, so don't stress. There are quite a few good tutorials on Youtube, so it's worth a look. My method from what I found is.........I started with C Maj in the left hand very slowly, and after half an hour tried to add a note in the right hand, one note only, even then my hands wanted to play the same rhythm. The only way to overcome this is with practise. I did an hour a day in about fifteen minute sessions, adding more notes as I got better - try two notes then three, then I started playing one octave back and forth with my righthand. Next step, I changed playing C to F maj with my left hand, that sort of upset the works for a bit, but I got it in the end. It takes months for most people to really master it, except the clever ones, thats not me. You just have to keep at it, practice, practice, practice. I'm six months into it and getting there, but still not good. I don't know if this will help you, but it has worked for me. Part of the problem also is "time", for us learners, there is so much to learn and so little time, for me anyway. Hope this might help a bit. Good luck.
