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Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 11:35 am
by Leon
Hi there, I am a newbie and my computer skills are at times questionable at best. I am working with an iPad when practicing but also have the PGS app. downloaded on my MAC. Questions:
1. iPad is still considered Beta and will not show progress, badges etc., so in order to see this information I must go into my MAC. Correct?
2. For some reason my MAC and iPad are not showing that I completed the INTRO to Keyboard part 1 but the the other lessons ie 5 finger position, Middle C etc. do show the lessons completed. Did anyone else experience this problem? Am I doing something incorrectly.
3. The Intro to keyboard part 1 seemed more advanced to me than the practice lessons. I was just following the order the program presented. Am I following the program correctly?
Any input would be so.........appreciated. Sorry for all the questions.