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Facilitating more user customisation of PS GUI

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 11:57 am
by RymeIntrinseca
Firstly, I think the PS GUI is excellent. Thank you to the PS team for enabling me to learn piano.

However, maybe it would be a good idea to allow more user customisation of the GUI, to facilitate more productive learning in newer versions or builds of the PS GUI.

Some examples, amongst the many ideas I can think of . . .

1: Ability to chose on a permanent basis if the virtual keyboard is displayed or not in the score pane.

2: The option to switch off 'practice instructions' in the score window.

2: Options to chose widget colours for active widgets in the tool ribbon, at the top of the PS practice window. Many times I've completed a piece only to find the active widget is still running from a previous exercise and my score is then not calculated. With all widgets sharing a similar monochromatic theme (blue/green hue) this can make for difficult contrast when each control is active or not. Thus workflow could now be more easily discernible. For example, active controls can change to red (or some other user defined colour) when in use or users can define the control colour according to their need when in operation. The current fixed widget colour is particularly troublesome when pushed for time when practising, since it means having to complete an exercise all over again just to obtain a score when a widget is left running by mistake.

3: A greater range of options, or a more convenient way of setting the tempo for scores. In some vehicles, the cruise speed can be selected from a bank of preset controls which can be pressed to take the vehicle to the desired cruise speed. These are arranged in a grid, like a calculator.

As I mention, I have lots of other ideas but mainly under the umbrella of more user options by having the ability to customise the existing GUI more widely.

Many thanks,
