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Exclude already bought songs in store

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2020 3:27 pm
by Donut

I get free store credits every month and buy songs with them in the store using the Windows app, however I end up adding songs I've already bought once. Then I have to go back and will probably add an owned song again... Can they be filtered out somewhere?

Re: Exclude already bought songs in store

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2020 1:29 pm
by EFlatMajor
Hello Donut,

I recommend you do two things:

1 - Send an email to :

And let them know that the system allows you to buy the same song over and over. Even if it is a free credit, this should not happen. Also suggest a change to the song store where the songs you have purchased have a "OWNED" banner across the album cover. This will stop you from ordering the same song again.

2 - Wait. Yes, that is right. There has been a major rewrite of the Windows (desktop) app going on for a while, and it is just about to go closed beta. There are probably tons of fixes to the song store as many people have complained that once you start to collect a number of songs, the song store becomes unmanageable. You might want to get the beta, or wait for the official release - then check the song store and if you still have problems then send another email to the support address above. It probably would not be worth it to report a problem with this version of the software as a replacement is right around the corner.

Re: Exclude already bought songs in store

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2020 4:19 pm
by bobmre
If you order your songs from instead of using the windows application, it will not let you duplicate songs.